Weston’s Rivercroft Farm
Established in 1799 – 7 Generations
In 1799, Ephriam Weston moved from Massachusetts to the Province of Maine and purchased a 46-acre parcel of land along the Saco River. Seven generations later his descendants still work those same fertile soils.
Like many area farms during the 1930’s and 40’s the Weston’s grew several crops to supply the three canning factories in town. Corn, beans & squash were the primary vegetables canned at the factories.
Throughout the years the Weston’s dealt in many commodities but were known mostly for dealing in livestock; cattle, sheep, pigs and horses. These animals were bought and sold from the many farms in the rich agricultural community of the Saco River Valley. Animals were transported by open drives across the countryside and eventually by rail from the Fryeburg station.