
With over 60 acres in production, fresh vegetables are the heart of the farm and summer is the showcase.

Since 2008 the farm has additionally grown a selection of certified organic crops.

Weston’s Farm – By The Numbers

7 Generations5,000 pounds of produce donated annually to food pantries 900 acres of timer under management
60 acres of vegetables20,000 heads of lettuce planted each year560,000 peas planted annually
48 acre original farm purchased in 17996 Greenhouses10 acres of pumpkins and squash
200 varieties of vegetables
30 organic varieties
5,000 Christmas Trees planted5 miles of nordic ski trails maintained
245,000 seeds of sweet corn planted annually 30 acres of hay cut each year170 years maple syrup has been produced

Giving Back

The farm annually donates thousands of pounds of produce to local food pantries
Proud supporters of “Mainers Feeding Mainers”